Projects & Publications

Recent Projects

Brevard County Logo

Comprehensive Plan and LDR revisions to support the– South Beach area of Brevard County was...

Brevard County Logo

Preparing this update to the Comprehensive Plan to comply with current Community Planning laws. Includes...

Brevard County Logo

Update to the Brevard County Water Supply Facilities Work Plan to reflect alternative water supply...

Facilitate a series of Visioning Workshops with the local leaders (Village Council, CRA and Planning...

Prepared the EAR-based amendments to respond to changes in community planning laws as well as...

Prepare updates to the Land Development Regulations to comply with New Vision and Updated Comprehensive...

BCLA is working with the Town of St. Leo in Pasco County. The Firm is...

Preparing EAR-based Comprehensive Amendments to comply with current Community Planning laws. Includes a project steering...


“Planning” Magazine Publication

Bonnie C. Landry’s work was published in the National APA Magazine “Planning” which featured the Port Salerno Gateway project in the Port Salerno CRA. This project included the removal of a Jersey Barrier transforming the reclaimed plaza area it into a functional, safer and more beautiful connection to the waterway.

Stormwater Design Toolkit

As CRA Project Manager, Landry and the CRA staff published the book Stormwater Design Toolkit. Its purpose is to inspire future development to use sustainable stormwater management strategies. This book is still in print and is available for purchase from Amazon.