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Village of Indiantown Inaugural Comprehensive Plan

BCLA designed all of the components for the creation of Florida’s newest municipality’s Comprehensive Plan. Although the Village is located within Martin County, and the Martin County Comprehensive Plan was the transitional governing document, the Village Council desired a plan that would be unique to its goals and needs. Therefore, the Village of Indiantown Comprehensive Plan was not a markup of the transitional document rather it was drafted from scratch. In preparing this, BCLA gathered all of the statutorily-required data including an extensive Public Involvement Plan which resulted in participation from more than 150 local stakeholders. This plan was adopted on December 12, 2020, one year prior to the three year deadline.


BAP Program Participant and Grant Recipient

BCLA attended a program consisting of a 10-week course that provided training, support and skills that help small businesses grow and thrive. Facilitated by the Corporate and Community Training Institute, Business Accelerator Program (BAP) is a program of the Dan K. Richardson Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI) at Indian RiverState College. BCLA was the 2019 recipient of the BAP grant program, funds which were used to purchase a unique polling software that is instrumental in efficiently facilitate public outreach meetings by providing live results in easy to read graphs.


Planning Department for the Village of Indiantown

BCLA provides full-time staff including Director of Planning for the Village of Indiantown. As the first planning department for the Village, BCLA was responsible for developing forms and processes to provide a basic framework for Florida’s newest municipality. This included forms for the Building and Planning departments.


Evaluation and Appraisal Report for the City of Port St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan

BCLA is preparing the 2020 EAR-based amendment to the City of Port St. Lucie’s Comprehensive Plan. This amendment will update the PSL Comprehensive Plan to reflect changes in state requirements since the last update in 2012. This project includes drafting of the new plan, facilitation of public workshops and transmittal to the State.


Supplemented Planning Staff at City of Port St. Lucie

BCLA provided staff to the City of the City of Port St. Lucie’s Planning and Zoning Department as they recruited for planners during 2019 when unemployment was at an all-time low.  In addition to an on-site Planner of the Day three days a week, BCLA also reviewed and processed sign permit applications  and provided zoning review for building permits.


Village of Indiantown Water Supply Plan

BCLA is currently working on the Village of Indiantown’s first Water Supply Plan. The Village’s Water Supply Plan will have principles and guidelines to coordinate the Village of Indiantown’s comprehensive plan with the South Florida Water Management District’s Upper East Coast Water Supply Plan. The Comprehensive Plan requires this document to be completed no later than December 2020.


Village of Indiantown Redevelopment (CRA)

The Village of Indiantown boundary is mostly congruent to the Martin County Indiantown Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). BCLA drafted a Finding of Necessity for a CRA within the Village of Indiantown. This project is currently on hold as the Council is re-evaluating the need for a CRA.


Town of St. Leo Comprehensive Plan

BCLA is working with the Town of St. Leo in Pasco County. The Firm is updating the Comprehensive Plan. Once drafted, the Firm will shepherd the plan through the adoption process and review the Town’s Land Development Regulations for consistency with the new Plan.


Publications and Presentations

"Planning" Magazine Publication

Bonnie C. Landry’s work was published in the National APA Magazine “Planning” which featured the Port Salerno Gateway project in the Port Salerno CRA. This project included the removal of a Jersey Barrier transforming the reclaimed plaza area it into a functional, safer and more beautiful connection to the waterway. 


Stormwater Design Toolkit

 As CRA Project Manager, Landry and the CRA staff published the book Stormwater Design Toolkit. Its purpose is to inspire future development to use sustainable stormwater management strategies. This book is still in print and is available for purchase from Amazon. 


Presenter at 2019 Florida APA Conference

Bonnie C. Landry presented at the 2019 Florida APA Conference. She provided a success story of public involvement in the Village of Indiantown gathering input to inform the Inaugural Comprehensive Plan. The title of the session was “How to Achieve Consensus Among a Diverse Population”. This presentation demonstrated that successful public outreach can be achieved by providing a multitude of workshop tools. She also highlighted the importance of reaching an audience in their native language. One of the workshops was conducted 100% in Spanish. This may have been the first of its kind on the Treasure Coast as the typical workshop is conducted in English and translated into Spanish.